First new gloves. These are Ironclad WorkCrew high dexterity work gloves which make perfect Parkour gloves. My old gloves had my fingers poking through and I must say these gloves are very nice for wall climbing and crawling. At $38 they are quite expensive for work gloves but they are worth every cent. Very strong, light and good looking gloves.
I bought some new shows today, Nike Free 5.0 free running shoes. These shoes are supposed to simulate running in bare feet while continuing to provide protection. I am getting more and more interested in Parkour training and I want a lightweight shoe that I can use for cat leaping, precision jumping, crawling and wall climbing. These shoes will also be better for bar work like chin-ups, toes to the bar and muscle-ups. Can't wait to try them out. I'm a bit worried that they might get a bit damaged with my wall climbing. They cost $179 whch is not cheap and I rather like the idea of wearing them as a casual shoe as well. You never know when you might just want to do a sprint or leap off some wall while walking around the city so it would be nice to keep them from getting to damaged. My Asics running shoes have had the rubber bits on the toes torn off them already.
You can see I am getting quite serious about things now. I plan on spending more on gear this year than ever before. I don't have a gym membership so the money that might have been spent on that can go towards gear like this.
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